43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Weekly Production Monitoring Blog 15.03.11

Progress.Last week i started on doing my mock up for my magazine. For this i decided on the layout and where i would place certain things, for example choosing where certain images would go, and where certain text would be placed. However ive been unable to finish these until i have the imagery done, and until i have finished my article.

Front cover magazine layout
not finished, mock up.

Inside magazine layout.
not finished, mock up.
These are what ive produced so far.

The front cover needs more work on it, however i have the basic outline set up. The title 'Trash Talk' is in the correct writting of how it will look in the end result. The headlines and sell lines need more work, but i know what i am going to put in to make it look a lot better. The photo will cover the whole background therefore the text will just over lap and fit round the image, depending on how its set out.
The inside of my magazine, the layout is just the same, its got the basic outline but it still needs imagery and the right font to fit in with, which until i have had my photoshoot i wont know what works best with them. The article that goes into the inside of my magazine will sit round the images and quotes will be picked out and made larger to grab the readers attention.

In the running of making this, i had a few problems with the font, thats why i have just used the basic font just to fit inplace until the actuall font is there. The problem was that the font didnt save the next day, so each day i had to keep downloading it and therefore it was just wasting time for me getting on with the other things. In the end ive just left it so when everythings finished i can then put them into photoshop save them, then edit them in. Also the fact i havent had my photoshoot yet, not til next week, this made me lag behind as i havent been able to get the magazine going quicker in making it. Other than that i have had no other problems.

Contingencies.Some of the problems i may come across would be that i wouldnt be able to find the same font as before hand to continue with my style that i am working on now. Also some of my models might not show up for my photoshoot, therefore i will have to get some backup models to make sure i have people for my shoot. I could possibly loose my work as i might forget to save it, so i will have to keep backing up my work every so often, if i add something new to it so i dont loose what i have done.

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