43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Friday 8 April 2011

Weekly Production Mointoring Blog 29.03.11

Progress.This week so far ive improved a lot of my magazine, in terms of images text just everything.
This is the front cover of my magazine, finished. I think its a very good improvement from what i had a week ago, as ive changed the texts so they fit in more with my target audiences etc. Im impressed with how well the image has worked with my magazine as well as the whole front cover.

This is the inside of my magazine minus the article. I am prettty impressed with this double page spread because it looks like ones in magazines, it has worked well in terms of background, text and images so i am very pleased with what i have done, considering what it looked like last week.

Targets.For my magazine:
My targets would be to just add the little bits of detail to make my magazine look  more finnished. This would be to add the article, and add my top 10 tips, also to add quotes from the article that would grab the readers attention to make them want to read more.

For my documents:
My targets would be to finish off the tables that are needed to be done for friday the final deadline. Also do some more work to my blog making sure that everything is on there that should be, so its up to date.

Contingencies.Problems i may come across is that i wont get the doctuments done in time for fridays deadline. I dont think this would happen as i have enough time to get them done, so i think i will be in the running for doing them right.
There might be a problem with uploading my magazine to the website that it gets graded on, so i will have to keep checking if everythings finished in the right time.

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